Work Based Learning Tax Credit (SB270)
On July 1, 2019 RSA 188 –E: 9-a came into effect allowing for businesses donating time, money, and goods to CTE (career & technical education) centers to receive tax credit against business profit taxes up to 50% for salaries of students and supervisors participating in work-based learning experiences and up to 100% for supplies and equipment donated for related use to an educational program offered by the regional CTE center. Additionally, up to 50% of the cost of apprenticeship and training programs offered by the regional CTE center, including the compensation of employees and direct supervision and training of students in a CTE center program.
How do businesses access this credit?
- Communicate with the CTE center you are working with to fill out a simple form. Download the form.
What should I expect?
- Donation forms SHOULD be submitted within one month of completion of donation activity but MUST be completed by the end of June.
- You will receive a letter of donation by September 1st
- On or before October 1st of each year the DOE shall report all credits issued to the Department of Revenue Administration.
What are examples of “donations” that qualify under this credit?
Companies may get a rebate off their business profit tax for:
- Up to 50 percent of the cost of apprenticeship and training programs offered by the regional CTE center, including the compensation of employees in direct supervision and training of students in a CTE Center program. This includes your employees doing guest speakerships to high schools and middle school students arranged through the CTE Center as well as the weeks/months of your employees' time setting up a training program.
- Up to 50 percent of the salary paid to interns, apprentices, and trainees enrolled in a CTE Center program.
- Up to 100 percent of tangible personal property for a related use by an educational program offered by the regional CTE center.
Who do I turn in forms to?
- Send them to at the Bureau of Career Development as soon as the form is completed. Call Nicole Levesque at the NH Bureau of Career Development at (603) 271-3397 with questions.
For questions related to the nuances in the law such as how to claim the credit, when to employers should claim the credit on their taxes, etc… please contact:
Devin Rodrique | Financial Analyst
New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration
Tax Policy & Legislative Analysis Group
109 Pleasant Street | PO Box 457
Concord, NH 03302-0457
Phone (603) 230-5018 | Fax (603) 230-5945
Email |