The NH DOE specifically indicated that industry partners who prepared for and participated in last year's NH Construction Career Days (NHCCD) are entitled to the tax credit associated to RSA 188-E9-a. Here's a quick audio info clip from Doug Cullen, Pinkerton Academy, regarding the legislation. 
The time, material, employee time spent in prep, transportation and other costs related to - including time at the fairgrounds - is tax deductible for time/costs incurred from July 1, 2019 forward.
·    100% for material costs
·    50% of employee 'lost-time' cost
·    50% of time spent on any training of student hires/mentoring pre- and post-event  
Many of our members could yield a 5-figure tax deduction for NHCCD alone! Depending on other work you’ve done with NH CTE Centers, you could be entitled to MUCH MORE.
Doug Cullen is available to help spearhead any dialog, whether you’ve worked with Pinkerton or not. We're looking to gather our first cohort of tax requests by early June but this legislation will continue - and tax credit is available - well into 2022! 
Email Jennifer Landon for Doug Cullen’s contact information.